Hi everyone, here is a Blaine County Recreation District trail update for Friday, September 8, 2023:
Galena Bike and Hike tonight

Come join in on the last Galena Hike and Bike Night of the season tonight at Galena Lodge from 5:30-8:00pm. Bring your mountain bike or hiking boots for a fun family evening in the beautiful Idaho mountains. You can join group bike rides or take off on foot for scenic hikes. BCRD will provide free hot dogs and beverages for all participants. The staff of BCRD and Galena Lodge will ensure a delightful time for your enjoyment.
Sheep band location info:
West of Hailey, a band is on private land at the mouth of Democrat Gulch. Last Saturday, a passerby reported that the guard dogs were on or near Democrat Gulch Road.
Baker Creek Band is in East Fork Baker Creek. They are reported to be below the Coyote yurts. On the BCRD Summer TraiLink site, I have the sheep symbol for this band associated with the Fox Peak Connector Trail.
West of Ketchum, out Warm Springs, a flock is in Castle Creek.
Northeast of Sun Valley, a band is up Corral Creek and moving toward Long Gulch.
Sheep are out East Fork Road, with a band approaching Triumph and coming into Courier Gulch today. Sheep symbol is represented on Bear Gulch Trail, on the BCRD Summer Trailink site.
Also out East Fork Road, a band is in Sawmill Gulch. Sheep symbol is represented on Federal Gulch Trail.
In Cove Creek, a band is up Big Witch Creek.
Near the far, east end of Quigley Canyon Road, a band is in Porcupine Creek.
For recommended best practices for interacting with bands of sheep and guard dogs visit the Trail Alerts section of the BCRD Summer TraiLink site.
Trail under construction

East of Hailey’s Woodside subdivision, the BLM is constructing a trail from the Toe of the Hill Trail to Quigley Canyon. The BLM is asking the public to stay away from the area of work due to the danger of falling rock.
KRD crew update

Yesterday, the Ketchum Ranger District Trail Crew completed the repair of a large blow-out along the North Fork Hyndman Trail.
WRTC work update

On Tuesday, Wood River Trails Coalition staff led volunteers with the Wood River Mountain Bike Team on the maintenance of the Cow Creek Connector Trail in Greenhorn. After a safety briefing the group heard from WRTC board member Katelyn Berman about getting along with horses.

Then the crew headed out to rake rocks, cut back encroaching plants, clean drains, and re-bench a section of trail tread.

On Wednesday, Wood River Trails Coalition staff performed maintenance on the northeast end Prairie Creek Trail, cutting out 5 trees and re-benching a 200 feet section of trail that had become excessively out-sloped. The work was performed on the first mile of the trail. Some downed trees remain across the trail as one climbs higher.
Upcoming seal-coating

BCRD has scheduled seal coat maintenance on the Wood River Trail from Monday, September 11th, through Friday, September 15th. From Gannett Road in Bellevue to Fox Acres Road in Hailey, the Wood River Trail will be closed during the seal coating process. Alternative routes may not be suitable for bikes, skates, bike trailers, dogs, or nighttime travel. During the application and drying process, it is important that trail users respect the closure and stay off the new surface. Wet seal coating material will ruin shoes, clothes, and equipment. Additionally, using the trail before it is fully cured will damage the newly sealed surface.
BCRD Pump Track Challenge

The 3rd annual BCRD 2023 Pump Track Challenge is September 16th, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm at Quigley Trails Park in Hailey. This event welcomes participants from Pre-K to 6th grade. Younger riders will ride on the dirt pump track, while 1st to 6th graders will race on the paved track. The cost is $18, and scholarships are available. All registrants will receive entry to the event, a taco ticket courtesy of KB’s food truck on-site, BCRD swag, and participation medals for kinder and under. Trophies will be awarded to the top three performers in each category, with award ceremonies following each age group’s competition. KB’s food truck will be available for no-host food and drink.
Best, Chris
Chris Leman
Wood River Valley Trail Coordinator
Blaine County Recreation District
1050 Fox Acres Rd.
Hailey, Idaho, 83333