In Bellevue, the BLM trails at the mouth of Slaughterhouse Canyon are open. Some passable some snow remains on Belle Trail.

Several of the BLM Croy Creek Trails west of Hailey, including Nadya’s and Wilson Gulch Trail, are open, but Wilson Gulch Creek is running high and the footbridge in the aspen trees is underwater.

Also out Croy, The Bullion Connector Trail and Croy Creek Trail are both open, but there is some snow on the Bullion Connector Trail in its usual spot. Two Dog Trail is open for out-and-backs, but there is deep snow on the high north-facing leg of the trail.

Hidden Valley Trail is also open for out-and-backs, but muddy conditions are present on the southwest end of the loop portion of the route, where a lot of water is seeping out of the hillsides. Please turn around when you reach muddy conditions.

The jump lines at BCRD Quigley Trails Park are open, as are the dirt and paved pump tracks.

At Sun Valley Company’s White Cloud Trails, the Valley View Loop is open. The White Clouds Loop Trail is partially open for out-and-backs from either end, with the shadier north-facing section above the Big Wood Subdivision closed due to muddy conditions. The Big Wood Connector Trail is closed due to wet and muddy conditions.
Due to heavy snowpack remaining on Sawtooth National Forest system roads, seasonal route closures have been extended on several areas of the Forest. Some roads and trails that would typically open on May 1 may have delayed openings. Here is a link to a news release about the extended closures: USDA Forest Service Alerts and Notices
Trail Creek Road is snow-free all the way to the locked gate near the end of the pavement. Blaine County Road and Bridge reports that they will work to open the pass once conditions are safe for crews to work in the area. Warm Springs Road is open to just beyond Frenchmen’s Hot Springs. Penny Lake is open.
If hiking or riding on singletrack trails, help keep them narrow. If passing short sections of snow, pass over on the snow. Going wide tramples plants, thereby widening the trail, or contributing to braided trail conditions. Turn around if you reach muddy conditions.