On Thursday evening, Sept. 10, team members and coaches with the Wood River Mountain Bike Team performed volunteer trail maintenance on the BLM Croy Trails. The event was a collaborative effort hosted by the Wood River Trails Coalition, BLM, and the BCRD.
The volunteers removed old railroad ties that had once been used as technical trail features, but which had fallen into disrepair. The large pieces of wood were in various locations within the interior areas of the trailhead motocross track. Many were partially hidden in tall grass, so they had become a potential hazard.

After about 45 minutes of filling up a BLM trailer with waste, the volunteers were led over to the Croy Creek Trail, where they reshaped areas of the trail’s tread. In places, the tread was excessively out-sloped, making traction difficult. This tipped-out condition of the trail was corrected, with the tread of the trail now widened and flattened in the areas where the footing was particularly poor.
Thank you Wood River Mountain Bike Team. The team has been contributing to the upkeep of the valley’s trails for many years now, and their work doing trail maintenance on the BLM Croy Trail Network has been particularly exemplary.