Here is a trail report for Friday, June 28, 2019:
The trails in the region are open. Some have been cut-out of downed trees, while others have not seen maintenance yet. Keep in mind that even on trails that have been cut-out, new trees may have come down in the meantime. Also, some trails still include areas where avalanche debris or other rough conditions exist. Please refer to the trail descriptions, maps, and other info specific to individual trails at the BCRD Summer TraiLink site. Questions? Email BCRD Trail Coordinator Chris Leman at, or call the appropriate land manager for information. Agency phone numbers are available at the bottom of the Trails Report section of the BCRD trail website (Trails Report is found below the website’s main map).
On June 27th the Ketchum Ranger District (KRD) reported that the Alden Gulch Trail was cut-out and it is open. There is still a closed sign at the top of the trail that the district needs to pull, but the trail is open for use.
Out East Fork, the KRD recently cut-out and performed maintenance on the Federal Gulch – Timber Draw loop. They also cut-out the Johnstone Creek Trail #206 this week.
The upper section of the Oregon Gulch Trail was recently cut-out. The trail should be good to go.
The gate that had been closing Deer Creek Road at Wolfone Road is open.

Avalanche debris on the Warfield Trail. WRTC Motorcyclist vols and the KRD are working on it. Photo credit: John Reagle
Dollarhide Summit is open. The roadway is reportedly only one-lane wide through areas of avalanche debris.
On Wednesday, June 26 the KRD Range Specialist issued an updated sheep report. Here is a link to the report: June 26 Sheep Report. The report’s information is also available to those who consult the sheep symbols on the BCRD Summer TraiLink maps. You can hover-over, or click the symbols for information about the various bands.

Sara lining out the volunteers on Thursday night. Thanks for the post work pizza Wise Guy! Photo credit: Hank Dart
Trail volunteers rock! Volunteers with the Wood River Trails Coalition performed maintenance on portions of the Proctor Mountain Trail on Thursday, June 27th. They cut-back and cut-out plants that were encroaching on the travel-way, and they cleaned out and improved drains along the trail. The next volunteer work event is on Saturday, July 13 on the brand new, and just opened Alden Gulch Trail. For more information about the event email the Wood River Trails Coalition’s Executive Director Sara Gress at
On the Osberg Ridgeline Trail, the second bridge up from the end of Baker Creek Road has been closed by the KRD – due to bridge structural failure and a resulting safety hazard. The district says that trail users may be able walk around on the low side, but that motorcycle and equestrians traffic will have a harder time getting through. The KRD plans on removing the bridge early in the month of July. When they remove it the sections of trail that are in the vicinity of the bridge will be temporarily closed.