Hi everyone, here is a Blaine County Recreation District trail update for Friday, October 6, 2023:
The following sheep info was supplied by the Ketchum Ranger District on Thursday:
There are 2 bands remaining on the Ketchum Ranger District:
Warm Springs Band is up Rooks Creek.
Flat Top band is in the vicinity of Hyndman Creek.
All other bands are off the district.
Trailing Sheep
The Trailing of the Sheep Festival is underway with the big sheep parade taking place at noon in Ketchum on Sunday, Oct. 8. For a schedule of events click this link: Trailing of the Sheep Festival
Lake Creek improvements

The BLM Lake Creek Trailhead parking lot has been expanded and upgraded, and a new vault toilet has been recently added. The Sun Valley Ski Education Foundation provided the financial support and planning required for these enhancements.

Volunteers and staff with the Wood River Trails Coalition were hard-at-it again Tuesday night when they conducted maintenance on the BLM’s Belle Trail in Bellevue’s Slaughterhouse Canyon. They cleared the trail of encroaching vegetation, cleaned out and improved trail drains, and cleared plants and rocks from the trail’s west end turns.
Afterwards, neighbor to the trails and Bellevue City Mayor, Chris Johnson, came by to thank the volunteers and staff of the WRTC for their contributions to the trails in Bellevue.

The coalition invites anyone interested to volunteer. Their next project will be at Rinker Rock Creek Ranch on Thursday, October 19, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. For more information, please visit their volunteer page. Here is a link to their volunteer page: WRTC vol page.
BCRD Rec study

The Blaine County Recreation District is presently engaged in a feasibility assessment aimed at understanding our community’s recreational requirements better. Although the study primarily concentrates on team sports activities and not trails, it’s crucial to gather input from a diverse range of individuals. To take part in the survey, please visit our website at bcrd.org. Additionally, you can read an article by Tony Evans in the Idaho Mountain Express, which explains the motivations behind our survey. Here is a link to Tony’s article: BCRD community-wide survey article
Trail construction update

The BLM is continuing to work on the completion of new trails in Hailey and Bellevue. Presently, two mini-excavator operators are busy working on the trail’s tread and backslope while shaping turns and drains as they descend toward the Toe of the Hill Trail and the Woodside subdivision.

The BLM is also building new trails in Bellevue’s Slaughterhouse Canyon. The crews working on the new Hailey trail will shift down to Slaughterhouse to complete the construction of the trails, once their work in Hailey is complete. The BLM and the equipment operators kindly requests that people avoid active work zones due to the risk of rolling rocks and to help minimize work disruptions caused by passersby.
Best, Chris
Chris Leman
Wood River Valley Trail Coordinator
Blaine County Recreation District
1050 Fox Acres Rd.
Hailey, Idaho, 83333