Hi everyone, here is some trail news brought to you by the Blaine County Recreation District on Friday, June 30, 2023:

Labor legends
The Ketchum Ranger District Trail Crew has been highly productive this season. They have already accomplished significant tasks, including removing 586 trees from the trails, maintaining or installing 477 drains, clearing encroaching plants from 8,515 feet of trail, and repairing 4,970 feet of trail tread.
This week the crew worked on the following trails:
Alden Gulch Trail – Cleared the remaining trees.
Apollo Creek Trail – Cleared 2/3 way until snow.
Osberg Ridgeline Trail – Motorcyclist vols cleared ridgeline, KRD cleared and maintained Lost Shirt Gulch section from Baker TH to Castle Rock Trail junction.
Mahoney & Greenhorn trails – Dirt biker volunteers cleared the trail, KRD began working on brushing and extensive tread repair work.
Norton-Miner Canyon Trail #135 (KRD side of trail to Norton Lakes) Cleared to the lakes, avalanche 2/3 way up impassable for stock but easily navigated on foot.
Galena dodge
At Galena Lodge, the section of Spring Creek Trail between Cherry Creek Road #216 and South Cherry Road #218 goes through a northern goshawk nesting territory. Northern goshawk, a Forest Service sensitive species, can be very aggressive in defense of their nests. To protect the nesting birds and to ensure your safety and that of others please report any interactions to the Sawtooth NRA Headquarters immediately by calling 208-727-5000. Here is a link to a news story that describes the danger: Northern goshawk attacks cyclist.
Rock stars

On Tuesday night volunteers with the Wood River Trails Coalition made repairs to the Fox Creek Trail. Battling hail and mosquitos they fixed washed-out creek crossings and stockpiled rocks for future projects. For information about the organizations next volunteer work party visit their volunteer events page at woodrivertrailscoalition.org. On Thursday WRTC staff cut-out Mill Lake Trail. They report that the water crossing that is about 1.5 miles up the trail is hazardous to cross and that you will get wet.

A band of sheep is in Colorado Gulch and will move to the BLM Rotarun and Bullion allotments around July 5. They are anticipated to move from Colorado toward the BLM Croy TH, then move quickly over to Bullion Gulch Road where they may be in the vicinity of the Hidden Valley and Two Dog trails for several days before moving higher up Bullion Gulch. Another band is grazing in the vicinity of the North Fork Deer Creek Trail, and another is high on Baldy near the back of Seattle Ridge. Bands of sheep are accompanied by herders and sheep guard dogs, which protect the sheep from predators. Some sheep guard dogs may act antagonistically toward people and their pets. Keep pets leashed. For more information on how to interact with sheep guard dogs go to the Trail Alerts section of the BCRD Summer TraiLink site.
The Bald Mountain Trail is open for hiking to the top. The Sun Valley Resort also announced that the French Connection cat-road is now open to foot traffic. The resort is spinning their gondola for lift-assisted hiking. Mountain bike lift-serviced access starts July 1.
In Adams Gulch, the Old Adams Gulch Road – Eve Gulch Trail #146 is open to motorcycles and ebikes. It’s the only trail in Adams Gulch with seasonal motorized use. Recently, motorcyclist volunteers faced verbal harassment from people who wrongly believed they were breaking the rules. The motorcyclists were riding legally and serving the community. Let’s follow their example by knowing and respecting the trail rules for a better experience.
Green green (its green they say)
In Greenhorn Gulch, the large avalanche debris pile that was blocking Greenhorn Trail is now passable on foot or bike. Areas of snow-covered trees remain. As things further settle-out you may encounter logs melting out and trail passage may become more difficult again. The chainsaw-packing motorcyclist volunteers who have cut-out the trails in Greenhorn will likely be passing-by occasionally as further work is needed.
Deer dear
In Deer Creek, Wolftone Road and the Woltone side of the Wolftone-Curran Trail #160 are passable for those on foot or two-wheels. The Curran side of the #160 trail is cut, but some low trees remain. The Deer Creek Trail is heavily impacted by avalanche debris and flood damage.
Warm mess
Warm Springs Road is closed to vehicles west of Rooks Creek. Portions of Warm Springs Road are undercut with heavy machinery working on repairs. Up Rooks Creek Trail, the trail is blocked by huge avalanche debris piles.

Barr brawl
Further out Warm Springs Road, a culvert at the bottom of Barr Gulch Trail has been washed out and the trail is inaccessible to horseback riders at that spot. Those on foot or bike can make it across, but equestrians will find it unpassable.
Thank you for your interest in the trails and their care. If you want this info in your inbox, email me, Chris Leman, BCRD Wood River Valley Trail Coordinator. I can be reached at cleman@bcrd.org
Have a great 4th of July!