Spring Colors

A few weeks ago it seemed like we were heading for an early spring melt-off, but Mom Nature had other ideas.

Instead of drying trails and wildflowers we got a few more weeks of wintery weather. That’s good, but now our region’s gravel roads and dirt trails are snowy-white. Soon they will turn another color; mud-brown.

When Frosty melts, the trails need your patience.

Please be patient and help keep the trails and roads in good shape. They are most vulnerable to damage when they are wet and muddy. Passing feet and wheels create ruts and pocked-up tread surfaces that are susceptible to erosion and costly to repair. Also, springtime trail travel can lead to situations where trail users go wide and around short sections of wet or muddy tread. Doing so crushes trailside plants and widens trails. Turn around before the tread gets muddy, and stay on the trail, right in the middle of it.

Going wide and around wet, muddy or snowy sections of trail can cause lasting damage. Help keep the trails in good shape – turn around where things deteriorate, and stay on the trail.

For updates on trail and road conditions visit the BCRD Summer TraiLink site. As routes dry their status on the site will be updated to reflect their readiness for traffic.

The routes indicated on the site’s maps are color coded.

Red = Closed/wet and muddy/not ready for traffic

Yellow = Partially-Open/lower or sunny section(s) dry and ready for out-and-back trips/Turn around where you reach muddy conditions

Green = Open/trail or road dry and ready for use

The frequently updated Trail Reports section of the Summer TraiLink site is a good place to visit for updates about what is drying out and opening. The Trails Report is found below the site’s main page map.