Wednesday July 10, 2019 Trail update from Chris Leman, BCRD Trail Coordinator:

Photo Credit: Hank Dart. Come lend a hand. Its fun and the tailgating party afterwards will be a blast too!
Trail Volunteers Wanted!
The Wood River Trails Coalition is hosting a volunteer trail maintenance session on the recently rebuilt Alden Gulch Trail on Saturday, July 13th. Meet at the parking lot at the intersection of Hwy 75 and Baker Creek Road (east side of Hwy) at 10 a.m. Here is a link to a WRTC Facebook event page about the work outing: Alden Gulch Work Day. For more information contact the trail coalition’s Executive Director Sara Gress at

Photo credit: Justin Blackstead. The crew had to brave some rough conditions during the reworking of the trail across the area of the former footbridge.
Osberg Update
The Ketchum Ranger District Trail Crew has improved the Osberg Ridgeline Trail in the area where they had previously removed an unsafe footbridge. The rerouted trail through is passable to all user groups. Portions of the Osberg Ridgeline Trail are reportedly cut-out, while some sections may not yet be cut-out. If anyone has traveled the length of the trail your report on the conditions you found would be welcomed. That holds true for any trail you have been on lately. Reports on trail conditions are always welcomed. You can Email me, Chris Leman, at or phone the BCRD at (208) 578-2273.

Photo credit: Susan Giannettino. At least one tree has come down on the Timber Draw Tr. Since being cut-out.
Recent Trail User and Volunteer Reports
We received a few observations about trail conditions from trail users recently, including:
- The Prairie–Miner Loop, accessed at the end of Prairie Creek Road, is open but has not been cut-out. There are reportedly approx. 20 trees down on the route.
- Apollo Trail 139 is cut-out, as is the lowest leg of the Baker Crk – Norton Crk Trail 138.
- Out Warm Springs, Castle Rock Trail 140 was cut-out recently.
- In the Cove Creek area volunteers recently cut-out upper Indian Creek Road and portions of Porcupine Trail 172. They were stopped from making further progress up Porcupine when they ran into a huge area of avalanche debris. Fisher Creek Trail 314, up to the Baugh Connector, and down Baugh to the Narrows and Driveway are reportedly all clear.
- The KRD did a great job of cutting out Federal Gulch Trail 169 and Timber Draw 313, but in the meantime a large tree has come down on Federal, which will be a problem for horseback riders. Timber Draw Trail has melted out further in the numerous areas where avalanche debris was previously cut-out. With increased melting in these areas, passage has once again becoming more-challenging.
- East of Stanley, the Big Casino-Little Casino loop is cut-out. Sunny Gulch, from Boundary to Big Casino, was reportedly holding snow. Martin Creek is not cut-out with many trees down and much snow. Boundary Creek is all clear.
SNRA Reports
On July 7 the Sawtooth National Recreation Area distributed updated trail and road reports. Here are links to them:
SNF Sheep Report
The Sawtooth National Forest issued its latest sheep report on July 3. Here is a link to the report: SNF July 3, 2019 Sheep Report
You can also obtain information about various bands by hovering-over, or clicking-on the sheep symbols found on the BCRD’s Summer TraiLink site maps.
It is likely that we will see an updated report from the forest range specialist in the next day or two. When it arrives we will post a link to it at the Trail Alerts section of the BCRD Summer TraiLink site.
What’s Cut-out The trails in the region are open. Many have been cut-out of downed trees, while others have not seen maintenance yet. Trees may have come down since a trail received maintenance, and some trails still include areas where avalanche debris or high-water may require one to backtrack out.
For information about whether or not a trail has been cut-out or received maintenance in 2019 refer to the individual trail descriptions found on the BCRD Summer Trailink site. You can click on a trail to open a drop-down menu with a link to that trail’s description, or hover over a trail to open a drop-down menu that will provide relevant notes about the trail. You can also zoom in to individual trails on the main map to look for “Not-Cut-Out” symbols. Open trails that have not been cut-out are marked with symbols representing a fallen tree, but you need to zoom-in quite a bit to display the symbols.
Questions? Email BCRD Trail Coordinator Chris Leman at or or call the BCRD at (208) 578-2273. You can also speak to information officers at the various ranger stations and visitor centers located in the region, or phone them at the following numbers:
BLM Shoshone Field Office (208)732-7200
Fairfield Ranger District, Sawtooth National Forest (208)764-3202
Ketchum Ranger District, Sawtooth National Forest (208)622-5371
Sawtooth National Recreation Area (208)727-5000
Galena Lodge Summer Happenings
Check out the many events and offerings happening at Galena Lodge in the coming weeks:
- The Galena Grinder/Whit Henry Memorial Mountain Bike Race is taking place on Saturday, July 27. Racers can register online until July 25 at or at the venue on the day of the race with $10 added to entry fee. Information: or phone the lodge at (208) 726-4010.
- Mountain Bike Maintenance Classes hosted by Galena Lodge’s Bike-Mike. These 2-hour clinics will help you learn how to diagnosis common problems, make on-trail adjustments, and give you the info you need to help keep your bike running well. Clinic dates are July 18 and July 23 from 4pm to 6pm. Cost is $25 per class with a 4-person minimum.
- Intermediate Mountain Bike Clinic. By popular demand, the lodge is scheduling a second round of this clinic. The lesson plan is designed to get you feeling more comfortable on the trails. Riders will work on bike/body awareness, climbing, downhills, cornering, and riding small rollers, doubles and much more. It is 4 weeks long on Mondays (July 15, 22, 29) and one Tuesday (August 6) from 4pm to 6pm. Cost is $200.
Best, Chris