You can help others have fun and stay safe while doing your part to keep the trails in good shape by following a few simple etiquette tips:
1. Expect the Unexpected
Slow down and approach blind corners with care. Approach areas with restricted lines-of-sight at a mellow speed. Be ready to stop safely if someone is approaching from the other direction.
2. Yield to Others
Stay on the trail and keep the singletrack single. If you are on a bike, and you come across others on the trail, don’t ride off trail in an attempt to facilitate a passing. Stop to the side, put your foot down, and lean your bike away from the trail. Speak to horseback riders, as doing so is often calming to skittish horses. Ask equestrians how best to facilitate a passing.
3. Enjoy
Have fun! Your good attitude and safe approach will help keep the trails in good shape and all of us coming back for more.