Cut from old farm implements (harrow discs), Rogue Hoes perform for us out on the trail. Pictured here is the versatile HR 70.
Rogue Hoes are great trail building tools made by a small family owned business in the Missouri Ozarks. We use them for trail work here, and we couldn’t be happier with them. They’re ideal for cutting into the soil and for raking and broadcasting spoils and rocks. Thank you BLM Shoshone Field Office for purchasing a bunch of them for the adopt-a-trail program – they’re excellent!
Rogue Hoes is also the name of a local group that has adopted the Adams-Lake Creek Connector Trail #321. They made great use of their namesake tools last Thursday evening.
The #321 Tr. is the trail that makes a connection between the Adams Gulch Trailhead and Harper’s Trail #323. The Rogue Hoes group worked on the most westerly, and steepest section of the trail; cleaning out and improving drains, brushing back the trail, and re-cutting areas of the trail’s backslope. Thank you Hunter Rusack, Patrick McKain, Mason Frederickson, Kyle Roland, Mellissa Dellatorre, Avery Showler, Annie DeAngelo!
On Sunday the Far Back Outdoors (F.B.O.) group was out working on their adopted trail, the Oregon Gulch Trail #183. The group got an early start and worked past noon to hammer out some great work. They worked on the lower portion of the trail between the trailhead and the turnoff for the Oregon-Fox Connector Trail. They brushed back encroaching vegetation, cleaned out drains, and cleaned the trail of downed limbs and loose rock. The group got a great deal accomplished and they’re eager to return for more. Thank you F.B.O.s Eric Heywood, Jamie Hoover, Ramsy Hoehn, and Devan Hoehn!!!
The next adopt-a-trail work outings are this Wednesday and Thursday evenings. On Wed. June 8 the Tyo Group will be heading out to work on their adopted trail, the Oregon-Fox Creek Connector #311. Anyone interested in helping in this volunteer effort are encouraged to join them for the 6 to 8 p.m. session by meeting at the Fox Creek Trailhead.
On Thursday, June 9 the Wood River Bicycle Coalition will be working on their adopted trail, Forbidden Fruit Trail #159. Volunteers who want to help can meet at the Adams Gulch Trailhead at 6 p.m. The coalition plans to have the tools for the work out at the work site, so participants are encouraged to bring a bicycle to facilitate the approach to the work. Here is a link to a Facebook Event Listing for the WRBC Forbidden Fruit work session.
Volunteers should wear sturdy boots or shoes, gloves, long pants, and eye protection. Long sleeves are nice for reducing scratches to the arms. Bring some water and a snack. A rain coat and appropriate extra layers are good to have. No dogs please. Minors must be accompanied by their parent or guardian so that they can be officially signed in as a volunteer.
For more information contact Chris Leman, BCRD Wood River Valley Trail Coordinator at (2zero8) 72zero-7713 or cleman@bcrd.org