Hi everyone, here is a Blaine County Recreation District trail update for Friday, October 13, 2023:
Silver Lining Trail open

The construction of the BLM’s new Silver Lining Trail is finished and the trail is open. This 3.5-mile Hailey route offers the flexibility of being used in either direction and serves as a link between the Toe of the Hill Trail near Keefer Park and the BCRD trails in Quigley Canyon. By incorporating Toe, a section of the Quigley Loop Trail, and the new Silver Lining Trail, you can create a loop spanning approximately 5.5 miles.
Slaughterhouse construction

The Bureau of Land Management is currently undertaking the construction of two trails on the northern side of Bellevue’s Slaughterhouse Canyon. To ensure safety and minimize disruptions to the ongoing work, we kindly request that people avoid the active construction zones, as there is a risk of rolling rocks.
Additionally, it’s worth noting that Belle, Vue 1.0, and Muldoon Connector trails are already open in the Slaughterhouse area. These south side trails were completed in 2021.

The only remaining band on the Ketchum Ranger District is the Warm Springs Band. They KRD reported on Thursday that the flock was “in the Mahoney/Greenhorn area.” They may be in the vicinity of Mahoney Trail, and/or the Greenhorn Trail. Or they may be elsewhere in the Greenhorn drainage.
Other bands may be on private, State, or BLM lands in the Wood River Valley.

John Reagle, Jeff Mintz, Alison Kinsler, and other motorcyclist volunteers with the Wood River Trails Coalition have continued to cut-out downed trees from area motorized trails. Greenhorn, Deer Creek, Warm Springs area trails are mostly all re-cut-out again. These volunteers have cut-out over 650 trees from area trails this summer alone.
Recently, volunteers and staff with the Wood River Trails Coalition conducted maintenance on the BLM’s Belle Trail in Bellevue’s Slaughterhouse Canyon. The coalition invites anyone interested to volunteer. Their next project will be at Rinker Rock Creek Ranch on Thursday, October 19, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. For more information, please visit the WRTC volunteer page.
Rec Survey

The Blaine County Recreation District is presently engaged in a feasibility assessment aimed at understanding our community’s recreational requirements better. Although the study primarily concentrates on team sports activities and not trails, it’s crucial to gather input from a diverse range of individuals. To take part in the survey, please visit our website at bcrd.org. Once on the BCRD home page, scroll down to the Upcoming & News section to find the survey.
You can read an article by Tony Evans in the Idaho Mountain Express, which explains the motivations behind our survey. Here is a link: BCRD community-wide survey.
New Trail Coordinator
Ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for me to step back from my role as the trail coordinator and savor retirement. But the good news is we’ve welcomed Ashley Knox, an incredible successor. While Ashley might not have extensive experience in this role, her impressive background and qualities make her a wonderful match.

Ashley’s eagerness to learn is truly commendable, and her fitness levels are off the charts. We’ve been working together, and I must say, her approach to embracing the challenges has been inspiring.
In the upcoming weeks, Ashley will share her thoughts about her new role, and I’m eager for you all to hear it. While she might not be planning any major overhauls, it’s always great to embrace a fresh perspective. Her presence and passion are just what our trails need.
So, next spring, when you’d typically find me out and about, you’ll come across both of us together, working on the trails as I’ll be there training her. Don’t hesitate to stop and say hi. If you haven’t met her yet, you’re in for a delightful introduction to her enthusiasm and dedication. Here’s to new beginnings and the exciting journey ahead!
Thanks for your interest in receiving these updates. Let Ashley or I know if you want to be removed from the list at any time. If you know of others who might like to get these emails, have them drop us a line asking to be added.
Best, Chris
Chris Leman
Wood River Valley Trail Coordinator
Blaine County Recreation District
1050 Fox Acres Rd.
Hailey, Idaho, 83333
trail info: summertrailink.bcrd.org
trail blog: trailsblog.bcrd.org