Hi everyone, here is a Blaine County Recreation District trail update for Friday, August 18, 2023:
Galena Bike ‘n Hike Night

Galena Bike ‘n Hike Night is tonight, Friday August 18th, 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. This family friendly event is sponsored by the BCRD and Galena Lodge – all ages welcome. Bring your mountain bike and go ride or grab your boots and camera and go for a hike. Meet new friends, catch up with old friends. Free hot dogs and beverages on the lawn.

The Wood River Trails Coalition is the go-to group for volunteering on the trails. Their next volunteer work party is on the BLM Croy Trails on Tuesday, August 22, 5:15 – 7:30 p.m. For info check out the group’s volunteer pages at woodrivertrailscoalition.org
Rebecca’s Private Idaho, an awesome gravel cycling event welcoming riders from around the world returns to Sun Valley Aug. 31 – Sept. 3. For info on volunteer opportunities visit the RPI volunteer web page at: rebeccasprivateidaho.com/volunteer. The event facilitators for RPI are also looking to hire several sag drivers for the ride events that are taking place on Sunday, Sept. 3. If you might be interested, please let me know and I will put you in touch with the event coordinator.
Deer Creek Band is in Kinsey Creek.
Warm Springs Band is on Warfield Creek.
Baker Creek Band was recently near Buccal Gulch and Logged Canyon. This band is grazing back toward East Fork Baker Creek Road and up to the meadow/sheep trough area near the top of Easley Hot Springs/Curly’s Trail. Guard dogs with this band have reportedly acted overly aggressively toward the passing public.
The Lake Creek Band is by the corrals along Lake Creek Road or in Sawmill Gulch and will be trailing out Monday 8/21. They will trail south through Ketchum to East Fork Road, then to an allotment near Triumph. Guard dogs with this band have reportedly acted overly aggressively toward the passing public.
Cove Creek Band is in the corrals today and heading up Big Witch Creek after that. Dogs with this band have reportedly acted overly aggressively toward the passing public.
Corral Creek band is between Corral Creek Road and Wilson Creek.
For recommended best practices for interacting with bands of sheep and guard dogs visit the Trail Alerts section of the BCRD Summer TraiLink site.
Other Road and Trail info
Norton Creek Road is open, but the road maintenance work that was recently performed on the roadway has left behind very sharp rocks. Some people driving the road are getting flats.
Warm Springs Road is now open over Dollarhide Summit. While some rough road conditions persist, a recent report indicates that individuals towing trailers could likely navigate the ruts and summit without much difficulty.
The Ketchum Ranger District Trail Crew recently re-cut the Eve Gulch Trail. The trail is clear, however, there’s currently no connection between Eve Gulch and Warm Springs Road due to a roadway issue on the West Fork Warm Springs Road. This road is closed at private property because of a hole in the roadway that has exposed a dangerous mineshaft.
From September 11 – 15, the BCRD will be seal-coating a portion of the Wood River Trail from Gannett Road in Bellevue to Fox Acres Road in Hailey.

Please let me know if you would like to be removed from this list. If you know of someone who might like to be added to it, have them drop me a note asking to be included.
Best, Chris
Chris Leman
Wood River Valley Trail Coordinator
Blaine County Recreation District
eamil: cleman@bcrd.org