Hi everyone, here is some trail info brought to you courtesy of the Blaine County Recreation District:
Crews at work
This week the Ketchum Ranger District Trail Crew performed maintenance on:
Alden Gulch Trail – Cut-out 54 trees, however, there is still a large slide path/avalanche debris pile about 1/2 mile from the top.
Lower portion of the Baker Creek-Norton Creek Trail and Baker Lake Trail. Clear to Baker Lake.
Greenhorn Trail – Brushed and cleared creek crossings to facilitate easier passage. Began cutting on the slide path/avalanche debris pile that is a couple miles up the trail. Cut-out a very large tree that was blocking passage in another location along the Greenhorn Trail.

As mentioned above, the KRD Trail Crew made progress in clearing the avalanche debris pile that has been obstructing Greenhorn Trail. Following their work, Alison Kinsler, a volunteer motorcyclist from the Wood River Trails Coalition, continued the efforts to improve the trail. She successfully removed approximately 20 additional trees and the slide area is now passable for most on foot or bikes. However, there is still a smaller debris pile from the avalanche and a section that is 2 to 3 feet deep, which will necessitate further cutting.
Motorcyclists vols recently cut-out Placer Creek Trail. Castle Rock Trail was also reportedly cut-out very recently. The creek crossings at the bottom of Castle Rock Trail may still be too deep and fast to cross safely. Volunteers also cut-out the Middle Fork Warm Springs #150 Trail, and the Middle Fork-South Fork Trail #199.
A band of sheep is moving from Limekiln toward the backside of Bald Mountain’s Seattle Ridge. Another band is in Deer Creek. That band is near Howard’s Trail and moving toward North Fork Deer Creek drainage.
Upcoming volunteer opportunities
The Wood River Trails Coalition is hosting a work party tomorrow, Saturday, June 24th, 9 am – noon on Forbidden Fruit Trail in Adams Gulch. Bring your bike to access the work site. They’re also organizing a volunteer work session on Fox Creek Trail on Tuesday, June 27th, 5:15 pm – 7:30 pm, meeting at Fox Creek TH. For more info, visit woodrivertrailscoalition.org.

Adams ribbon cutting
Partners working on the Adams Gulch Adaptive Sports Trail Enhancement Project are hosting a celebration of the project’s completion. The public is invited to attend the event which takes place at the Adams Gulch TH on Wednesday, June 28 starting at 5:30 p.m.
News from the Sawtooth National Recreation Area:
Most SNRA campgrounds are open, except for Inlet Tent Camping Area and half of Riverside Campground. The campgrounds at Alturas Lake currently lack water, but the dump/water fill station at Smiley Creek is operational, along with other dump stations in the Forest. Boulder Creek Trailhead’s road (Livingston Mill) has been blocked by significant rock/mudslides, making it impassable for vehicles. Snow has melted on 4th of July Road and most other Forest Roads. Due to recent windy and rainy weather, there are numerous fallen trees on both trails and roads. 4th of July Road and Pole Creek were particularly affected, but 4th of July Road has been cleared since. Here is a link to the latest SNRA Trail Report: June 22 SNRA Trail Report.
Fox Peak
High off the East Fork of Baker Creek Road, the 3.5-mile loop around Fox Peak is cut-out. Thank you Joe St. Onge, and friends. They cut-out the Fox Peak Connector Trail, the most western 1/2 mile of the Adams Rib Trail, and the most eastern mile of the Osberg Ridgeline Trail. The majority of Osberg, and most of the higher reaches of Adams Rib Trail are not cut-out. The nearby Rooks Creek Trail is also not cut-out.
Baldy lift access
The Sun Valley Resort started spinning their gondola for lift-assisted hiking today. Mountain bike lift-assisted use starts July 1.
What have I been up to?

In my weekly work routine, I balance desk work with hands-on field work. While playing up at Galena recently, I ran into a friend. They mentioned feeling like they had daily conversations with me through my updates on the BCRD Summer TraiLink site. That made me happy, because as a clearinghouse for trail information, it’s good to know that the info you are sharing is being heard.
I gather updates from various sources across the valley, with my first-hand accounts playing a small roll in that. I rely on reports from trail users, trail crews, and staff at land management agencies and trail organizations. I compile the info and keep the BCRD Summer TraiLink site updated.
On Fridays, after one last update of the site, I pretty much copy and paste the info I’ve included in the most recent Summer TraiLink “Trails Report”, then I send it out to all of you. (BTW, if you are looking for the Trails Report section on the Summer TraiLink site, it is just below the main-page map.)

Besides sitting at my computer and responding to texts, calls and emails, I help to maintain the BLM Croy and Slaughterhouse trails, as well as working on the trails managed by the BCRD. This includes working with fellow BCRD trail staff on the trails network built by the BCRD at Galena Lodge, and the trail’s emanating from the BCRD’s Quigley Trails Park. I also spend time on the paved Wood River Trail, another BCRD managed resource. Additionally, I collaborate closely with BLM Outdoor Recreation Planner John Kurtz and others on trail designs for upcoming projects. Recently we’ve been busy tuning-up alignments that the BLM has approved for construction this year and next.
Best, Chris
Chris Leman, BCRD Wood River Valley Trail Coordintor, email me at cleman@bcrd.org or phone the BCRD at (208) 578-2273.