On Thursday, volunteers helped the Forest Service with a trail maintenance project in Parker Gulch. The trail had become quite choked with sagebrush and bitterbrush plants. Walking or riding on the trail was a scratchy experience.
Fifteen people got a start on this big project, working their way up for about 1 mile from the low end of the trail. The Parker Gulch side of this trail #121 is 3 miles long. It tops out at a saddle (still under snow) and then crests over into Bear Gulch. So, there is a lot more work to be done to get the trail completely “brushed,” but the effort of the volunteers and Ketchum Ranger District Trail Crew staff members in attendance got things off to a great start.
If any volunteers want to help keep this project pushing forward they can get in touch with me and we can plan for some additional action on the project. Also, keep an eye on the BCRD Summer TraiLink site’s Volunteer Info page. I’ll post any news of future efforts on the trail there, and you’ll find my contact info on that page too.

Love you long time Parker Gulch! Volunteers with Big Wood Backcountry Trails installing a puncheon on the #121 in 2005.
Thursday night’s volunteers included a number of people who show up for these events year after year. A special thanks to all you “old-hands” at this, and it was super to see a bunch of new faces arriving too. Spread the word everyone – come lend a hand!
Thank you to all the beautiful, dirty faces in the crowd last night. That would be volunteer’s Laurie Leman, Craig Bierly, Garrett Payer, Kathy Merrill, David Hoversland, Bass Sears, Brigid Sears, Zach Gerry, Kyle Kunz, Shari Kunz, Michele Preuss, Jon Preuss, and Dave Bell. Big thanks also to the KRD’s Renee Catherin and Sara Gress.
The Wood River Bicycle Coalition is hosting a volunteer work session on Forbidden Fruit Trail next Wednesday night, May 30; meeting at the Adams Gulch Trailhead at 5:30 p.m. Tools will be out at the work site, which is about 3 miles in from the trailhead, so volunteers are encouraged to bring their bikes and helmets, so that they can access the work in a timely fashion, and perhaps enjoy a lap or two after putting a fresh shine on the trail.
The trail is open and it has been cutout of downed trees a couple of times this month. The work on Wednesday night will be general maintenance including making repairs to braking bumps, raking rock off the trail, and cleaning out and improving the trail’s drains. For more info get in touch with the coalition or you can always text/call/email me with questions about the trails and any upcoming volunteer work by local trail adopters.