Volunteers with Far Back Outdoors performed maintenance on their adopted trail, Oregon Gulch Trail, on Sunday, June 11.

Far Back Outdoors volunteers Eric Heywood (foreground) and Matt Bauer at work on Oregon Gulch Trail on June 11, 2017.
Far Back Outdoors is a group of friends who are avid hunters and outdoors-people. They enjoy the back country and are passionate about its responsible use. Last year they heard about our local adopt-a-trail program and decided to get involved.
Trail adopters agree to take on the annual maintenance of one of the singletrack trails in the region. Last year the crew from Far Back Outdoors held several work sessions on the Oregon Gulch Trail. Two on the lower three miles, and one in collaboration with the Wood River Bicycle Coalition, on the upper three miles of the trail.
On Sunday the volunteers with FBO worked on the lower three miles of the trail, from the trailhead to the trail’s intersection with the Oregon-Fox Connector Trail. The work included cutting out the trees that had come down across the trail, brushing back willows and other plants from the travel-way, and making repairs to three sections of the trail, including one where a side-creek had over-spilled its banks and run down the trail.
The volunteers put in a great day of work! Thank you volunteers Eric Heywood, Matt Bauer, and Ryder Bennett.
A slew of local motorcycle riders with the Idaho Mountain Dirt Riders Association have been busy in Greenhorn Gulch over the course of this last week and weekend. They cut-out all the trees that were down across the trails; the entire Greenhorn trail system. They also worked over the top of Lodgepole and down to the Red Warrior Trail.
Thank you riders/cutters/diggers/volunteers!
The next volunteer trail work opportunities are this Tuesday and Thursday evenings.
On Tuesday, June 13 come lend a hand with trail adopters the Sun Valley Ski Education Foundation Nordic Gold Team on Harper’s Trail. Meet at the BLM Lake Creek Trailhead at 5:30 p.m. Work is from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. We will be walking in to the work site on Harper’s Trail.
On Thursday, June 15, from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. volunteers with Sun Valley Appraisal will be working on brushing-back trails in the Greenhorn drainage. Meet at the Greenhorn Trailhead at 5:30 p.m. People are welcome to hike in, or ride a bike in to the areas of work. Tools provided, but if you have a folding hand-saw or a pair of loppers you can bring, please do so, to help ensure we have plenty of tools to go around.
For more information visit the BCRD Summer TraiLink Site Volunteer Info Page or contact the BCRD Wood River Valley Trail Coordinator, Chris Leman. phone/text208/720-7713 or email/cleman@bcrd.org